Best Audiobook Calculator | Audiobook Speed Calculator

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Audiobook Calculator

Audiobook Speed Calculation Result

Name Result
AudioBook Length:
Playback Speed:
Total Time:
Time Saved:
Discliamer: Don’t Rely On The Calculator Do It Manually Too

The Audiobook Calculator is a valuable tool for both authors and readers alike. Its user-friendly interface and accurate calculations give authors an estimate of how long it will take to narrate their book. It helps them plan their recording schedule accordingly. 

With the help of the Audio Book Calculator, you need to input the length of the audiobook and your average listening speed, and voila! 

Let’s use the Audio Book Calculator and check the Audio Book Speed with variations like 1x speed, 1.25x speed, 1.5x speed, 1.75x speed, and 2x speed.

The Audiobook Speed Calculator is a revolutionary tool that will accurately estimate the time it takes to complete any audiobook. 

You can call it a 1.75x speed calculator because most of the users check the audiobook speed with 1.75x speed.

Basic Example To Use The Audiobook Calculator

Here’s a basic example of how to use the audiobook calculator with dummy values. This playback speed calculator has different playback speed variations like 1x speed, 1.25x speed, 1.5x speed, 1.75x speed, and 2x speed.

Enter Dummy Values:

In the audiobook time calculator interface, you’ll find the following input fields:

  • Hours: Enter the number of hours for the audiobook. For this example, enter 2.
  • Minutes: Enter the number of minutes. For this example, enter 30.
  • Seconds: Enter the number of seconds. For this example, enter 45.
  • Playback Speed: From the dropdown menu, select a playback speed. For this example, select 1.5x speed.

Click the “Calculate” Button:

After entering the dummy values, click the “Calculate” button on the web page.

View the Results:

The audiobook time calculator will calculate based on the dummy values and the selected playback speed. It will display the results below the button:

  • Total Time: The total time it would take to listen to the audiobook at the selected speed. In this example, it will display 1:40:30.
  • Time Saved: The time saved by listening at the selected speed compared to regular speed. In this example, it will display 1:10:45.

Modify Values as Needed:

You can change the dummy values in the input fields and select different playback speeds to see how they affect the results. The playback speed calculator will update the results dynamically as you make changes.

That’s it! You have successfully used the audiobook calculator with dummy values to calculate the total time and time saved when listening to an audiobook at a specific speed.

Formula of The Audiobook Calculator

Certainly! To manually calculate the total time and time saved for an audiobook, you can use the following Audiobook calculator formulas:

Total Time Calculation:

The formula to calculate the total time for an audiobook at a specific playback speed is:

Total Time (seconds) = (Hours * 3600) + (Minutes * 60) + Seconds

Total Time (formatted) = HH:MM:SS

  • Hours: The number of hours in the audiobook.
  • Minutes: The number of minutes in the audiobook.
  • Seconds: The number of seconds in the audiobook.

Time Saved Calculation:

The formula to calculate the time saved by listening to the audiobook at a specific playback speed compared to regular speed is:

Time Saved (seconds) = Total Time (seconds) – (Total Time (seconds) / Playback Speed)

Time Saved (formatted) = HH:MM:SS

  • Total Time (seconds): The total time of the audiobook in seconds, calculated using the previous formula.
  • Playback Speed: The selected playback speed (e.g., 1.5x, 2x).

Here’s how you can perform manual calculations using these formulas Perfectly:

  1. Convert the time values (hours, minutes, seconds) into seconds.
    1. Hours to seconds: Hours * 3600
    2. Minutes to seconds: Minutes * 60
  2. Add up the converted values to get the total time in seconds:
    1. Total Time (seconds) = (Hours * 3600) + (Minutes * 60) + Seconds
  3. To format the total time, convert the whole time in seconds back to the HH:MM: SS format.
  4. Calculate the time saved by dividing the total time in seconds by the playback speed:
    1. Time Saved (seconds) = Total Time (seconds) – (Total Time (seconds) / Playback Speed)
  5. Back to the HH:MM: SS format, format the time saved in seconds.

These formulas allow you to manually calculate the total time and time saved for an audiobook at a specific playback speed.

Benefits of using an Audiobook Speed Calculator

Here are some benefits of using an audiobook speed calculator.

Audiobook Calculator

Some Related Audio Book Calculator

Here are some related Audio Book calculators helpful for you.

  1. Audiobook Percentage Calculator
  2. Audiobook Length calculator
  3. Audiobook Price Calculator
  4. Audiobook PFH calculator
  5. Audiobook Time To Page Calculator

Audiobook Calculator

Popular Audiobook Platforms To Buy Audiobooks

Here’s a table listing five platforms where users can purchase the audiobook.

Google Play
Barnes &
Audiobook Speed Calculator


The Audiobook Calculator is a valuable tool for both authors and readers. It provides a straightforward way to estimate the length of an audiobook based on its word count, enabling authors to plan their narration and production process more effectively.

It offers readers a quick and convenient way to determine the time commitment required for listening to a particular book.

Whether you are an avid listener or a writer looking to convert your work into an audiobook, this audiobook speed calculator can save you time and help you make informed decisions.

So why wait? Give the Audiobook Calculator a try today and enhance your audiobook experience!

Audiobook Speed Calculator